The Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) is an initiative supported by the World Bank through the International Development Agency (IDA) to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in Uganda. The project’s primary goal is to improve the business environment and stimulate private sector investment by implementing critical reforms in land administration and developing priority productive and service sectors.
Initially approved in May 2013, the CEDP became effective on June 6, 2014, and officially closed on June 30, 2020. The project’s development objective was to bolster the competitiveness of Ugandan enterprises by supporting business environment reforms and enhancing land administration systems.
Following the successful implementation of CEDP, additional financing (CEDP-AF) was approved on February 27, 2020, and became effective on April 6, 2021. The project was restructured in June 2022 and is scheduled to conclude on May 31, 2024. The primary objective of CEDP-AF is to facilitate increased private sector investment in the tourism sector and to strengthen the effectiveness of the land administration system in Uganda.
The CEDP-AF is structured into three key components:
1. Land Administration Reform: Focused on creating an efficient and corruption-free land administration system by expanding the Land Information System (LIS) across the country, formalizing and registering land rights, and promoting an effective land market. This component aims to support customary landowners and Mailo titleholders in rural areas to register their land assets, thereby enhancing tenure security, fostering investments, and reducing poverty.
2. Tourism Product and Competitiveness Development: Aimed at boosting private sector investment in Uganda’s tourism sector by developing key tourism products and enhancing sector competitiveness.
3. Project Implementation: Ensures effective coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of project activities to achieve the desired outcomes.
Goals and Objectives
The overarching goal of the CEDP-AF Land Component is to consolidate and scale up land sector policy and institutional reforms to create an enabling environment that eliminates key constraints to the cost of doing business and improves Uganda’s international competitiveness. The objectives include:
– Establishing an efficient and transparent land administration system.
– Facilitating mass formalization and registration of land rights.
– Promoting an effective land market to stimulate enterprise creation and poverty reduction.
– Enhancing tenure security to encourage productivity-augmenting investments, ensuring food security, and reducing rural poverty.
Key Achievements of the CEDP-AF as of May 2023
1. Land Administration Reform:
– Rapid Physical Planning Assessments: Initiated in nine districts, resulting in 93 Parish Physical Development Frameworks.
– Certificate Issuance: 4,401 Certificates of Title issued in multiple districts, benefiting various communities.
– Land Administration Files (LAFs) Clearance: Approximately 63,376 LAFs cleared in several districts.
– UgNLIS Portals: Functionalized and launched, enhancing accessibility and transparency in land administration.
– Title Production: Around 5,656 titles processed and signed off.
2. Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification (SLAAC):
– Data Processing Centre: Established and operational, verifying 66,148 SLAAC files.
– Title Issuance: 5,656 Certificates of Title processed, with a significant number issued to women or jointly owned with women.
– Bid Evaluations: Several Bid Evaluation Reports submitted and cleared by the Bank, facilitating ongoing and future land adjudication activities.
3. Support to Educational Institutions:
– Makerere University: Launched a Master of Land Management course, awarding scholarships to staff from central and local governments.
– Institute of Surveys and Land Management (ISLM): Curriculum review workshops conducted, procurement of equipment and reference materials, and ongoing capacity building for staff.
4. Strengthening Ministry Capacities:
– Land Valuation Management Information System (LaVMIS): Prepared technical requirements and bid evaluation reports to standardize and enhance land valuation processes.
– Communal Land Associations (CLAs): Prepared concept notes and reconnaissance reports, aiming to form and register additional CLAs to manage communal land sustainably.
5. Construction and Infrastructure Development:
– NLIC and Archival Center: Signed contracts for environmental and social impact assessments and prepared reports for construction supervision.
– UgNLIS Enhancements: Planned system enhancements to improve performance, integration with other government systems, and decentralization to district levels.
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